Its mostly about seagrasses...
Its mostly about seagrasses...
Developing a Transnational Plastics Network (TransPlas): an integrated approach to quantify the impact of our global plastic problem
Plastic pollution is a global environmental and human health issue, with plastics now ubiquitous in the environment and biota. Despite extensive international research, key knowledge gaps (“known unknowns”) remain around ecosystem-scale and human health impacts of plastics in the environment, particularly in limnetic, coastal and marine systems.
Global Research Initiator Award
UWA Research Collaboration Award
Dr Renae Hovey, University of Western Australia
Dr Harriet Paterson, University of Western Australia
Dr Peter Speldewinde, University of Western Australia
Prof. Andrew Cundy, University of South Hampton
Dr Xiaoyu Zhang, Zhejiang University
Paterson HL, Stead JL, Crutchett T, Hovey RK, Ford BM, Speldewinde P, Zapata-Restrepo LM, Yanfang L, Zhang X, Cundy AB (2021) Battling the known unknowns: a synoptic review of aquatic plastics research from Australia, the United Kingdom and China. Environmental Science: Processes Impacts 23: 1663-1680
Image: Fig. 3 Circular bar plot of the subject areas of aquatic plastic debris literature for the United Kingdom up to the end of 2019 from Paterson et al., 2021