Its mostly about seagrasses...
Its mostly about seagrasses...
Wirriya jalyanu (seagrass)
Science meets Art to celebrate seagrass and the local environment with Malgana language and cultural heritage
The Wirriya Jalyanu (seagrass) Festival is the culmination of a two year collaboration between seagrass researchers at the University of Western Australia and the Malgana Rangers as Traditional Owners of Gathaagudu (two waters, Shark Bay). The festival provides an opportunity to share knowledge about seagrasses and the environment with the local community.
Wednesday 7 April, 4.30 - 6pm
Denham Town Hall
Free public talks: come and hear about science going on in your backyard from the experts
Guest Speakers
Prof. Gary Kendrick Seagrasses and the productive marine ecosystem of Gathaagudu (Shark Bay)
Ms Bianca McNeair Malgana Women turtle tagging on Wirruwanna (Dirk Hartog Island)
Dr Ana Sequeira Marine creatures on the move: understanding behaviour and potential threats
Attending the talks in person is limited to 85 people due to COVID-19 restrictions. The event will be live-streamed on facebook
Thursday 8 April 10 - 4pm
Denham Foreshore and Town Hall
'Welcome to Country'
Beach walk with 'Follow the Dream' students to find and identify local marine creatures
Meet UWA researchers & Malgana rangers saving seagrass
Seagrass mapping with DBCA
Land management activities with Bush Heritage
Story creation in Malgana language
Kids crafts and activities
Dig to find archaeological treasures
Seagrass-inspired art
Cooking demonstration
Pundarra Guntharri Performance Group
Additional information
About the Artist: Tiahna Oxenham is of Malgana, Nyul Nyul and Yaruwu heritage. Her art is inspired by the seagrass meadows of Gathaagudu (Shark Bay). For more information see