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Dr John Statton

John has a deep love for the marine environment and aquaculture. He has developed novel methods for the cultivation of seagrasses and has developed seed-based seagrass restoration for Australian species.  

During his PhD and post-doctoral appointments he implemented pilot scale restoration programs in Cockburn Sound with BMT Oceanica and Cockburn Cement (Seagrass Research and Rehabilitation Program) and in Shark Bay for Shark Bay Resources.  

John has developed a highly successful seagrass tank culture program in the Seagrass Research Facility at the University of Western Australia where he has successfully grown and manipulated 6 of the 12 seagrass genera so far, from temperate to tropical regions and across seed, seedling and adult life-stages. John has also been integral in developing novel methodologies to effectively harvest, process and deliver large quantities of Posidonia seeds (as well as other species including Halophila ovalis) for the purposes of large-scale re-seeding programs.

research areas: seagrass restoration, ecology, community outreach, seaweed and aquaculture research

Seagrass Research © 2025

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