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Photo: Angela Rossen



Booth MW, Sinclair EA, Jung EMU, Austin RA, Bayer PE, Krauss SL, Breed MF, Kendrick GA (2024) Comparative gene co-expression networks show enrichment of brassinosteroid and vitamin B processes in a seagrass under simulated ocean warming and extreme climatic events. Frontiers in Plant Science 15: doi: 10.3389/fpls.2024.1309956

Bornt K, Linge K, How J, de Lestang S, Hovey R, Langlois T (2024) Microplastic extraction from digestive tracts of large decapods. Marine Pollution Bulletin 206: 116709

Garthwin RG, Poore AGB, Ferretto G, Wright JT, Vergés A (2024) Seagrass tolerance to simulated herbivory along a latitudinal gradient: predicting the potential effects of tropicalisation. Ecology and Evolution 14: e70561

Hadiyanto H, Prince J, Hovey RK (2024) Latitudinal biodiversity gradients of rocky intertidal assemblages: Spatial scales and complex associations with environmental factors. Marine Ecology : e12789

Jongen R, Marzinelli EM, Bugnot AB, Ferguson A, Fraser MW, Glasby TM, Jackson EL, Martin BC, Sherman CDH, Sinclair EA, Trevathan-Tackett SM, Vergés A, Waycott M, Wright JT, Kendrick GA, Gribben PE (2024) Integrating belowground interactions into seagrass restoration strategies. Oceanography and Marine Biology - An Annual Review 62: 192 - 214

Maulidiyah RA, Cambridge ML, Austin R, Kendrick GA (2024) Early seedling development and survival of seagrasses Posidonia australis and P. sinuosa using different seed-based restoration methods. Restoration Ecology: e14269

Morris RL, Campbell-Hooper E, Waters E, Bishop MJ, Lovelock CE, Lowe RJ, Strain EMA, Boon P, Boxshall A, Browne NK, Carley JT, Fest BJ, Fraser MW, Ghisalberti M, Gillanders BM, Kendrick GA, Konlechner TM, Mayer-Pinto M, Pomeroy AWM, Rogers AA, Simpson V, Van Rooijen AA Waltham NJ, Swearer SE (2024) Current extent and future opportunities for living shorelines in Australia. Science of The Total Environment 917: 170363

Moustaka M, Evans R, Kendrick GA, Hyndes GA, Cuttler M, Bassett TJ, O'Leary MJ, Wilson SK (2024) Local habitat composition and complexity outweigh seascape effects on fish distributions across a tropical seascape. Landscape Ecology 39: 1-26

Moustaka M, Bassett TJ, Beltran L, Cuttler MVW, Evans RD, Gorman D, Grimaldi CM, Gruber RK, Hyndes GA, Kendrick GA, Travaglione N, Wilson SK (2024) Suspended particulate organic matter supports mesopredatory fish across a tropical seascape. Ecosystems 27: 918-936

Nimbs MJ, Glasby TG, Sinclair EA, Swadling D, Davis TR, Coleman MA. (2024) A donor registry: genomic analyses of Posidonia australis seagrass meadows identifies adaptive genotypes for future-proofing. Ecology and Evolution 14: e70667

Pessarrodona A, Wood G, Grimaldi C, Goldberg N, Kendrick GA, Starko S, Wernberg T (2024) Long-term stability of marine forests facing moderate gradual warming in a remote biodiversity hotspot. Diversity and Distributions 30: e13933

Sinclair EA, Statton J, Austin R, Breed MF, Cross R, Dodd A, Kendrick A, Krauss SL, McNeair B, McNeair N, McNeair S, Oakley M, Oakley P, Oxenham T, Pedrocchi ND, Pedrocchi Roelofs T, Wear L, Kendrick GA (2024) Healing Country together: a seagrass case study from (Gathaagudu) Shark Bay. Ocean & Coastal Management 256: 107274

Taebi S, Pattiaratchi C, Haigh I, Kendrick GA (2024) Circulation and stratification changes in a hypersaline estuary due to mean sea level rise. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 12: 579

van der Mheen M, Wernberg T, Pattiaratchi C, Pessarrodona A, Janekovic I, Simpkins T, Hovey RK, Filbee-Dexter K​ (2024) Substantial kelp detritus exported beyond the continental shelf by dense shelf water transportScientific Reports 14: 839

Zweifler A, Browne NK, Levy O, Hovey RK, O'Leary M (2024) Acropora tenuis energy acquisition along a natural turbidity gradient. Frontiers in Marine Science 11: 1288296


Bornt K, How J, de Lestang S, Linge K, Hovey RK, Langlois TJ (2023) Plastic gear loss estimates from a major Australian pot fishery. ICES Journal of Marine Science 80: 158-172


Dos Santos VS, Moura RL, Magdalena UR, Hovey RK, Kendrick GA, Bahia RG, Amado-Filho GM, De Siqueira MF (2023) Spatial modeling reveals a growing threat to the world's largest rhodolith beds. Ocean & Coastal Management 232: 106441


Ferretto G, Vergés A, Poore AGB, Glasby TM, Griffin KJ (2023) Habitat provision and erosion are influenced by seagrass meadow complexity: A seascape perspective. Diversity 15: 125

Ferretto G, Glasby TM, Poore AGB, Callaghan CT, Sinclair EA, Statton J, Kendrick GA, Vergés A (2023) Optimizing restoration of the threatened seagrass Posidonia australis: plant traits influence restoration success. Restoration Ecology 31: e13893


Fraser MW, Martin BC, Wong HL, Burns BP, Kendrick GA (2023) Sulfide intrusion in a habitat forming seagrass can be predicted from relative abundance of sulfur cycling genes in sediments. Science of The Total Environment 864: 161144

Giraldo Ospina A, Ruiz-Montoya L, Kendrick GA, Hovey RK (2023) Cross‐depth connectivity shows that deep kelps may act as refugia by reseeding climate‐vulnerable shallow bedsEcosphere 14: e4471
Hadiyanto H, Prince J, Hovey RK, Glasby CJ (2023) Intertidal macroalgal and epiphytic polychaete distributions strengthen marine ecoregions of Western Australia. Frontiers of Biogeography 15: e57954
Hernawan UE, van Dijk K-J, Kendrick GA, Feng M, Berry O, Kavazos C, McMahon KM (2023) Ocean connectivity and habitat characteristics predict population genetic structure of seagrass in an extreme tropical setting. Ecology and Evolution 13: e10257
Jung EMU, Adibah N, Majeed ABA, Booth MW, Austin R, Sinclair EA, Fraser MW, Martin BC, Oppermann LMF, Bollen M, Kendrick GA (2023) Marine heatwave and reduced light scenarios cause species-specific metabolomic changes in seagrasses under ocean warming. New Phytologist 239: 1692-1706


Kendrick GA, Cambridge ML, Orth RJ, Fraser MW, Hovey RK, Statton J, Pattiaratchi CB, Sinclair EA (2023) The cycle of seagrass life: From flowers to new meadows. Ecology and Evolution 13: e1045

Martin BC, Giraldo-Ospina A, Bell S, Cambridge ML, Fraser MW, Gibbons B, Harvey ES, Kendrick GA, Langlois TJ, Spencer C, Hovey RK (2023) Deep meadows: Deep-water seagrass habitats revealed. Ecology 104: e4150

McLaughlin MJ, Bessey C, Kendrick GA, Keesing J, Olsen YS (2023) Production and accumulation of reef framework by calcifying corals and macroalgae on a remote Indian Ocean cay. Biogeosciences 20: 1011-1026
Rahayu YP, Kendrick GA, Fraser MW, Vanderklift MA (2023) Little change in surface sediment carbon stock following seagrass restoration in Shark Bay, Western Australia. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 294: 108535
Sinclair EA, Hovey RK, Krauss SL, Anthony JM, Waycott M, Kendrick GA (2023) Historic and contemporary drivers of spatial genetic structure suggest resilience to climate change in a widespread seagrass. Ecology and Evolution 13: e9900

Stankovic M, Mishra AK, Rahayu YP, Lefcheck J, Murdiyarso D, Friess DA, Corkalo M, Vukovic T, Vanderklift MA, Farooq SH, Gaitan-Espitia JD, Prathep A (2023) Blue carbon assessments of seagrass and mangrove ecosystems in South and Southeast Asia: Current progress and knowledge gaps. Science of The Total Environment 904: 166618

Wright J, Hovey RK, Paterson H, Stead J, Cundy A (2023) Microplastic accumulation in Halophila ovalis beds in the Swan-Canning Estuary, Western Australia. Marine Pollution Bulletin 187: 114480


Alsuwaiyan NA, Filbee-Dexter K, Vranken S, Burkholz C, Cambridge ML, Coleman MA, Wernberg T (2022) Green gravel as a vector of dispersal for kelp restoration. Frontiers in Marine Science 9: 910417

Bayer PE, Fraser MW, Martin, BC, Petereit J, Severn-Ellis AA, Sinclair EA, Batley J, Kendrick GA, Edwards D (preprint) Not all pathways are the same – unique adaptations to submerged environments emerge from comparative seagrass genomics. Available here 

Booth MW, Breed MF, Kendrick GA, Bayer PE, Severn-Ellis AA, Sinclair EA (2022) Tissue-specific transcriptome profiles identify functional differences key to understanding whole seagrass responses to life in variable salinity. Biology Open 11: bio059147

Edgeloe JM, Severn-Ellis AA, Bayer PE, Mehravi S, Breed MF, Krauss SL, Batley J, Kendrick GA, Sinclair EA (2022) Extensive polyploid clonality was a successful strategy for seagrass to expand into a newly submerged environment. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289 (1976): 20220538

Gu R, Statton J, Rahmawati S, Hovey RK, Zhou Y, Tang J, Yu S, Kendrick GA (2022) Seed bank dynamics and quality in the seagrass Halophila ovalis along estuarine salinity gradients - a case in the Swan-Canning Estuary. Frontiers in Marine Science 9: 1025615

Jung EMU, Cosgrove JJ, Martin BC, Bollen M, Kendrick GA, Fraser MW (2022) Seasonal links between metabolites and traditional seagrass metrics in the seagrass Halophila ovalis in an estuarine system. Ecological Indicators 143(3): 109315

Kendrick GA, Orth RJ, Sinclair EA, Statton J (2022) Effect of climate change on regeneration of seagrasses from seed. In: Baskan CC and Baskan JM (eds) Plant regeneration from seeds: a global warming perspective. Chapter 20, pp 275-283  

Lester E, Cannon T, Lawrence S, Wilton J, Araujo G (2022) Whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) feed on baitfish with other predators at Ningaloo Reef. Pacific Conservation Biology doi:10.1071/PC21033


Lester E, Langlois TJ, Lindgren I,Birt M, Bond T, McLean D, Vaughan B, Holmes TH, Meekan MG (2022) Drivers of variation in occurrence, abundance, and behaviour of sharks on coral reefs. Scientific Reports 12: 728


Macreadie PI, Robertson AI, Spinks B, Adams MP, Atchison JM, Bell-James J, Bryan BA, Chu L, Filbee-Dexter K, Drake L, Duarte CM, Friess DA, Gonzalez F, Grafton RQ, Helmstedt KJ, Kaebernick M, Kelleway J, Kendrick GA, Kennedy H, Lovelock CE, Megonigal JP, Maher DT, Pidgeon E, Rogers AA, Sturgiss R, Trevathan-Tackett SM, Wartman M, Wilson KA, Rogers K (2022) Operationalizing marketable blue carbon. One Earth 5(5): 485-492

Martin BC, Middleton JA, Skrzypek G, Kendrick GA, Cosgrove J, Fraser MW (2022) Composition of seagrass root associated bacterial communities are linked to nutrients and heavy metal concentrations in an anthropogenically influenced estuary. Frontiers in Marine Science 8: 768864 

McLaughlin MJ, Bessey C, Kendrick GA, Keesing J, Olsen YS (preprint) Production and accumulation of reef framework by calcifying corals and macroalgae on a remote Indian Ocean Cay. Available here

McMahon K, Kilminster K, Canto R, Roelfsema C, Lyons M, Kendrick GA, Waycott M, Uddy J (2022) The risk of multiple anthropogenic and climate change threats must be considered for continental scale conservation and management of seagrass habitat. Frontiers in Marine Science 9: 837259


Mulders Y, Mattio L, Phillips JC, Lavery PS, Kendrick GA, Wernberg T (2022) Patch dynamics driven by wave exposure in subtidal temperate seaweeds is exacerbated by warming oceans. Marine Ecology Progress Series 685: 85-95

Pfeifer L, van Erven G, Sinclair EA, Duarte CM, Kabel MA, Classen B (2022) Profiling the cell walls of seagrasses from A (Amphibolis) to Z (Zostera). BMC Plant Biology 22: 63 

Santos VS, de Moura RL, Magdalena UR, Hovey RK, Bahia RG, Amado-Filho GM, de Siqueira MF, Kendrick GA (2022) Spatial modeling reveals a lack of conservation and growing vulnerability of the world's largest extension of rhodolith beds. SSRN electronic journal 4133243

Saraswati NLGRA, Paterson H, Hovey RK (2022) Microplastics abundance and characteristics in Mytilus spp. from southwest Western Australia urban estuaries. International Journal of Environment and Geosciences 4: 1-13

Zarco-Perello S, Fairclough D, Dowling C, DiBattista J, Austin R, Wernberg T, Taylor B (2022) Maximization of fitness by phenological and phenotypic plasticity in range expanding rabbitfishes (Siganidae). Journal of Animal Ecology 91: 1666-1678

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