Its mostly about seagrasses...
Its mostly about seagrasses...

Rachel Austin

Rachel is passionate about all aspects of marine ecosystems and species, and about getting the community aware and involved in their underwater backyards. She completed her Bachelor's in Marine Science and Zoology, and a Master's in Marine Biology, with her thesis investigating introduced and invasive fouling marine species in the Ngari Capes Marine Park. She has been involved in a wide range of projects including fish biodiversity monitoring surveys, seagrass restoration via seeds and transplants, seagrass productivity, fish otolith aging, coral growth measurements, BRUV and BOSS fish video analyses, working with traditional owners, and in-school education programs. Rachel is now a Research Officer and coordinates seagrass restoration research projects including Seeds for Snapper, WAMSI Westport, and Seagrass Restoration in Shark Bay. She is also an underwater photographer with images published in a range of scientific mediums, most notably her image of the World's Largest Plant Posidonia australis in Shark Bay.