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Photo: Angela Rossen

Seagrass adaptation and acclimation responses to extreme climatic events

This research aims to advance our understanding of how temperate marine plants in their northern limit will respond to the effects of synergistic stressors from extreme events combined with climate change. The research will be conducted in the UNESCO World Heritage site of Shark Bay, where a semi-permanent, salinity gradient maintained by shallow seagrass banks has resulted in unique ecosystems like stromatolites to persist. The project will generate new knowledge in the area of adaptation and acclimation to climate change using a multidisciplinary, whole plant approach to examine the links between phenotypic plasticity, ecophysiological traits, and its genome. Expected outcomes include practical solutions for building resilience to climate change mitigation in marine ecosystems.


Prof. Gary Kendrick, UWA

Dr Martin Breed, Flinders University

Dr Siegy Krauss, Kings Park Science, DBCA

Dr Elizabeth Sinclair, UWA


Booth MW, Breed MF, Kendrick GA, Bayer PE, Severn-Ellis AA, Sinclair EA (2022) Tissue-specific transcriptome profiles identify functional differences key to understanding whole seagrass responses to life in variable salinity. Biology Open 11: bio059147

Kendrick GA, Orth RJ, Sinclair EA, Statton J (2022) Effect of climate change on regeneration of seagrasses from seed. In: Baskan CC and Baskan JM (eds) Plant regeneration from seeds: a global warming perspective. Chapter 20, pp 275-283  

Sinclair EA, Sherman CDH, Statton J, Copeland C, Matthews A, Waycott M, van Dijk K-J, Vergés A, Kajlich L, McLeod IM, Kendrick GA (2021) Advances in approaches to seagrass restoration in Australia. Ecological Management and Restoration 22: 10-21

Sinclair EA, Edgeloe JM, Anthony JM, Statton J, Breed MF, Kendrick GA (2020) Variation in reproductive effort, genetic diversity and mating systems across Posidonia australis seagrass meadows in Western AustraliaAoB PLANTS 12(4): plaa038

Seagrass Research © 2025

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